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Integrated Washer Dryer Machines

The integrated washer dryer machines take the guesswork out of doing laundry. They include all the usual washing programmes and eco-friendly and speedy options.

They are perfect for open-plan kitchens or living rooms with doors that hide appliances. They can also be placed under counters or between units. However, they typically have lower capacity for load than freestanding washer-dryers.


If you've ever been frustrated by an insufficient space in your laundry room or don't have the time to hang your washing machine, an integrated washer and dryer could be just what you're looking for. These compact machines incorporate a washer and dryer in one device that can be hidden in a cupboard or concealed behind a kitchen island. When you decide between semi-integrated or fully integrated models, you will find the perfect solution for your needs and home.

Based on the type of dryer you choose the price will vary. Front-loading washers with agitators are typically more expensive than top-loading models. Gas vs electric dryers also affect price, as do added features like Wi-Fi connectivity and steam drying. Laundry pedestals are another option to consider, and can aid in keeping your units off the floor and provide storage space by incorporating drawers. Prices for pedestals can vary between $180 and $500 installed. The final price is determined by the style and finish.

It is important to select an integrated washer-dryer that has a high energy rating. A machine with an 'A rating will save you money and will be better for the environment. It is also a good idea to avoid tumble dryers that use gas or contain a condensate pump because they pose fire hazards and could cause damage to your home.

Consult a professional to find the right washer-dryer. They'll assess the space you have for laundry and take measurements before recommending the ideal model. If you are planning to install the appliance yourself, then you'll require a sturdy foundation to set the appliance on, as well as access to the drain and water supply pipes.

You should also allow for the installation costs of your new washer-dryer. Although DIYers can do this task, it's recommended to hire a professional in case you are not familiar with electrical and plumbing work. Professionals will make sure your appliances are properly connected and are in working order and you won't have to worry about any problems in the future.


Integrated washer dryer machines are ideal for those looking to make space in their laundry room. They are smaller than freestanding units, and can be hidden behind the door of a cabinet. They are also available in a variety of sizes to suit different family needs. This type of machine may be a good choice for those living in small houses or apartments.

Dimensions of dryers and washers vary, but standard side-by-side machines are typically around 27 inches wide and 35-43 inches tall. Make sure that the space you've designated for laundry has enough space to accommodate both appliances. Also, you should leave a few inches extra in case you have to shut or open the doors. Also, be aware of any cabinets or other obstructions.

The size of a dryer is contingent on its capacity and features. The drum of a dryer is generally larger in larger models, and smaller ones are smaller. Some models have a specific cycle that helps shrink clothing after washing while others feature a built-in dryer vent which reduces energy consumption. If you're concerned about energy consumption and want to save money, a washer dryer with Eco mode can aid in reducing your utility costs.

In contrast to standalone washers, washer dryers can be combined with other units. However, it is essential to ensure that the unit you choose is large enough and can be used on its own or in conjunction with another unit. It should be able to fit on the bottom of your washer and have a sturdy base. Additionally, the appliance must be placed so that it is able to reach the water and drain pipes without causing harm to them.

Many retailers, including John Lewis, sell stackable washer-dryers. For PS90, a professional will install them, including connecting the appliance to water and electricity, installing the kitchen unit and then removing the packaging. You can, however, fit the appliance yourself if you're confident in doing it. It is recommended to have at least one other person with you to help you, as washer-dryers can be heavy, bulky, and have sharp edges.


There's a wide selection of integrated washer dryer machines on the market, from basic models to high-end ones with all the latest features. It is important to remember that not all washer dryers that are integrated can meet your requirements. For instance, you might need a machine that has an enormous wash capacity or a high energy efficiency.

Think about whether you want a fully integrated or a partially integrated model. The latter will fit in a cabinet or other kitchen appliance, while the former will be evident when you open the door or latch. This is a great option for those looking to save space in their homes. These washer dryers are typically relatively easy to install however you'll need to ensure that the door to your kitchen unit will be able to accommodate it, and it should be in a position to connect to the water and power connections within your home. It is recommended to seek help from a professional installer when you buy one of these appliances as they are heavy and bulky.

The integrated dryers are equipped with a range of handy functions and programs to make washing and drying your clothes easier. For instance, some models come with a smart feature that allows you to monitor your machine's performance remotely. Some models also have an Eco mode that saves energy by reducing spin speed. These machines also feature adjustable temperature controls that allow you to wash delicate items or stained clothes.

A dryer that is integrated into the washing machine is a fantastic option for any household. It can help you save time and money by tackling two chores simultaneously. You can also save money on laundry services. The only drawback is that the dryer is able to handle only half the capacity of a washer.

AO offers a variety of washer dryers integrated that are suitable for any home. Our extensive selection includes dryers that are quiet for open-plan living, aswell as models that can be controlled by your smartphone. Our models are able to be used with a narrow opening, making them perfect for small spaces.

Energy efficiency

A well-integrated washer dryer is a high-efficiency model that helps save energy and money. A washer that has an integrated Water Factor (IMEF), of at least 1,57, and a drying machine with an IMEF at least 1,84 are both good options. Both should be able to wash large loads and come with multiple cycles and soil settings. Some machines include settings for sanitizing and eco boost. If you're looking to cut down on your electricity usage even more look into the dryer with sensor drying. This will shut off the dryer when your clothes are dry, thereby saving energy.

A high-efficiency dryer may cost more upfront, but it will pay off in the long run, with lower energy costs and a less carbon footprint. To ensure that you're getting maximum bang for your buck take a look at the cost of various models and features to find the perfect one for your needs. Find the top deals, including free shipping and financing.

The Best Integrated Washer Dryer integrated washer dryers were designed with simplicity in mind. They are easy to install and operate, and feature small, space-saving designs. Some models have smart features that make laundry simpler, like automatic start and finish times and an automatic size sensor for your load. Certain models come with convenient controls to control the temperature, spin speed and add or remove the cycle of laundry.

Compare the kilowatt-hours (kWh) that an cheap integrated washing machine washer/dryer makes annually with comparable models. An ENERGY STAR is another excellent indicator of energy efficiency.

A washer-dryer that is integrated is a great solution for smaller spaces and homes where a standard washer and dryer isn't available. These appliances are small and take up very little space in the kitchen. They are also energy efficient and require a shorter time to complete a load of laundry.

The integrated washer-dryer might be more expensive, but it is an excellent option for those with small space. The only drawback is that the dryer requires a vent as well as access to power and water outlets. Get a professional's help to install this appliance.hoover-hbd-485d1e-1-80-8-5kg-1400-integr


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