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Learn To Communicate Lovense Max 2 Wireless Masturbator To Your Boss

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작성자 Marita 작성일23-06-18 10:01 조회11회 댓글0건


Lovense Max 2 Rechargeable Masturbator

Lovense max 2 is one of the most ingenious male masturbators on the market. Its groundbreaking technology lets you to control the vibrations via an app. This opens up new possibilities, especially for those who are in long-distance relationships.

You can also connect a Nora or another Max 2 by Lovense to experience real-time, authentic cyber sex.


Lovense Max 2 has one of the most technological masturbators available. It delivers intense pleasure, that can be enjoyed by you or your partner. It is equipped with a sync system that allows lovers far apart to enjoy sexual relations.

The sleeves are made from skin-like TPE that is 100% hypoallergenic. It's also supple and mimics the feel of a real penis. The inner texture of the sleeve, when combined with the intense vibration patterns is a wildly sensational combination that will put you on the edge of orgasm.

The app lets you customize your experience and control over the toy. You can use music or sounds to control the vibrations and make your own rhythms. The app also has many other features, including countdown timers, remote control and a listing of patterns available.

The toy doesn't require any setup and is simple to use. Make sure you have plenty of water-based lubricant, and gently insert it into your penis. It's quite noisy and tight but it's also very intense, interactive and intense.


Lovense Max 2 has been improved from the original Max male masturbator that was released in the year 2011. The smart masturbator comes with a variety of new features, including stronger vibrations, 360-degree contractions, and stroking that responds to movement. It was designed to bring enjoyment in the literal sense and is constructed from non-toxic, eco-friendly materials.

The sleeves inside are soft and has bumps and nodules to stimulate the shaft. It's similar like a Fleshjack and offers a range of different sensations such as stroking and friction. It is also movement sensitive and responds to user movements, which makes it more thrilling.

Another advantage is that the sleeve may be cleaned and removed for easy cleaning. Lovense suggests using a small amount lubricant to lubricate the sleeves and the entry hole. This will increase the sexiness of the toy and ensures that it is smooth to use.

The smart masturbator can be operated remotely using a smartphone application. This feature has never been seen on any masturbator before and brings a new dimension the experience. You can play music and have the toy vibrate to the beat. This will give you a deeper level stimulation.

Battery life

Lovense's Max 2 has pushed the limits of male masturbator for men technology with its Max 2. It is the only one that offers reliable remote function, thanks to a well supported app and Bluetooth. It also comes with an extended range vibration motor as well as an external antenna, which means you can take pleasure in the play of this toy even if you're miles away from your partner. The toy also includes a VR platform* that lets you play with it in a 3D world.

Contrary to the majority of manual male masturbators that only vibrate in the opening, the Max 2 has an internal vibrator that sends out contractions through its liner material. This creates a 360-degree tingle which can send your cock into a rumbly journey. The toy can be programmed to use different patterns that ebb and flow, so you can have an entirely unique experience each time.

You can use the lovense max 2 wireless masturbator app to control everything from intensity of the pulsation to the speed and pattern. You can also alter suction and the length of the inner sleeve to suit your needs. The battery will charge in around 100 minutes and can last up to three and a half hour with one battery.

The Max 2 can be used alongside toy Nora sexually sexy toy from the same manufacturer for sync play. To sync them, click on the "Sync Together" tab within the Lovense app and follow the directions.


The Lovense Max 2 combines both masturbation and Bluetooth in one device. It is a sophisticated male masturbator made by a Hongkong-based company, Lovense. It is the first toy for sex with app-controlled vibrations and suction. It also has the capability of synchronizing with other best wireless male masturbator vibrators like Nora and allowing for long-distance play.

The Lovense Max 2 has a flexible ribbed sleeve that is easy to handle. It also looks more discrete than other masturbators. It is made of skin-like TPE and is body-safe. It has lots of bumps and nodules that massage your shaft. The contractions will make your cock appear as if it is being sucked into, similar to the Amazon penis pump or Fleshjack.

It is easy to clean and is able to be operated using water-based lube. However, too much lube could make the sleeve hard to insert. Make sure to choose a lube that does not contain silicone since it will degrade the sleeve material over time.

Overall overall, the lovense max 2 male masturbator (simply click the following webpage) Max 2 is an excellent teledildonic stroke device that can enhance the intimacy of a long-distance relationship. It is possible to set up an entire stroke session with your partner, Lovense Max 2 male masturbator no matter how far you are. Intimacy in long-distance relationships can be difficult to keep, but using teledildonics and the appropriate tools can make it easier than you thought.


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