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The Secret Secrets Of Avon Perfumes On Sale

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작성자 Murray 작성일24-05-07 07:46 조회10회 댓글0건


Avon Perfume For Women

Avon perfumes can be a great way to display your style and personality. They are available in a variety of scents ranging from floral to musky. They're also reasonably priced!

Here are my top avon discontinued perfume women's perfumes - Night Magic Evening Musk, Sweet Honesty, Far Away, and Rare Gold. They smell fantastic last for hours and aren't expensive. and an arm!

Timeless Eau de Toilette

Timeless is a perfume for women that was first launched in 1974. The scent is a mix of bergamot, green aldehydes and mimosa. It has a floral fragrance with a heart made of magnolia and vetiver. The base notes are sensual with hints of vanilla and musky.

The scent of Timeless has a long-lasting sillage. It is more effective on skin types with oily complexions. Apply lotion or a body wash prior to applying the fragrance to extend the duration of its life.

Avon is the company which puts lipstick on lips and food on tables; a company that offers an earnings opportunity to women, while also promoting causes that matter, such as eradicating domestic violence and breast cancer. Avon has been bringing beauty to the world for more than 130 years.

Attraction One Eau de Toilette

Make your senses more heightened with the sensual and captivating scent of Attraction One. This scent of joy is infused with The One chord which increases your chemistry with a partner*.

This perfume for men and women is a vibrant blend of smoky cardamom, arousing orange blossoms and sweet vanilla. The perfume is encased in a dazzling white flacon.

This irresistible scent will leave an enchanting scent that will last for the entire day. Pair it with the purse spray for easy replenishments. This scent is part the Attraction collection, which includes both her and him versions. The 50ml Eau de Parfum bottle and the 10ml perfume for purses are available. Honorine Blanc and Frank Voelkl developed the fragrance.

Night Magic Evening Musk Eau de Toilette

Avon Night Magic perfume for women, which was first introduced in 1981, then relaunched part of the Classics collection, is a warm floral scent. The feminine scent is created with neroli blossoms, a heady jasmine, and sensual musky.

It opens with a soft note that reminds of lily the valley and aldehydes. It is followed by a complex blend of jasmine notes rose, ylang ylang and chypre. It ends with a base of sandalwood, incense, amber, cedar and musky.

Add a little more of this captivating scent to your nighttime routine by rubbing this fragrant skin softener on your neck and wrists. You can also make use of this scent as a spray for your room or deodorant. Avon sells this scent in a 1.7 1 oz. Cologne spray bottles for $18. You can also purchase a Night Magic body lotion to add a touch of fragrance.

Sweet Honesty Eau de Toilette

Sweet Honesty by avon perfumes on sale (Www.russiacompany.ru) is a floral fragrance that combines roses and fruity notes along with a woody base. It's a fantastic scent for casual attire, or for formal occasions when you want to appear and smell the best.

This must be in every woman's wardrobe. The scent will linger on your skin for the entire day, releasing a gorgeous aroma. This perfume is perfect for romantic events and embodies the essence of a confident, feminine women.

This perfume has a very unique combination of aromas this is why it's an extremely special scent to own. The longevity and sillage are both impressive, particularly for the cost. This is a scent that will be noticed by everyone you meet. The bottle is elegant and avon Perfumes on sale stylish and makes it a stunning accessory to your fragrance collection.

Far Away Eau de Toilette

Far Away is a floral-oriental scent that will transport you to a different place. This women's fragrance from Avon contains jasmine notes, ylang ylang and vanilla notes that will make you wish to keep it forever.

A scent that exudes glamour, this feminine fragrance is a gorgeous way to showcase your personal style and personality. The aroma of Madagascan Vanilla and currants in black creates an enchanting trail that draws attention wherever you go. This scent is magnetic and can be sprayed on the wrists, necks and behind the ear. You can also add the matching Far Away Body Lotion and spray for your purse to keep your scent fresh on the go. This timeless scent was first introduced in 1994 and is still an absolute favorite among Avon representatives as well as customers.

Imari Eau de Toilette

Imari is a floral, fruity scent that has an underlying sweetness. It has blackberry, avon perfumes on sale orange flower, and other fruits blended with lily, peony, and jasmine for an exotic fragrance. It also has hints of light vanilla and musky. This perfume is a great option for anyone who likes to wear an inviting scent.

ce4dba662e76bfbd371358bc8f2640ee.jpegThe scent is a chypre floral fragrance that will inspire your inner goddess to play. It begins with strong aldehydes that initially smell spicy. Once it has settled into your skin the scent gets more delicate. It then shows the iris, tuberose, and freesia, which create an elegant floral smell that rivals White Linen and Chanel No 5. This perfume is perfect for women who want to appear sophisticated.

Rare Gold Eau de Toilette

This 1.7 1 oz bottle is considered to be the gold standard for Avon perfume sprays. It offers an uplifting floral scent with aldehydic notes to make you the center of attention. The scent opens with crisp Sicilian Bergamot, Italian mandarin and the distinctive scent ylang-ylang.

This scent is dominated the heart notes of "living" orange flowers Peach, lily of the valley, and lily. Gardenia, tuberose and the signature scent of aldehydes compose the remainder of the bouquet. The elegant finish is the combination of amber, pure sandalwood and musk.

Avon has been helping women for over 130 years by providing them with an opportunity to earn money, while championing causes that matter to women like ending domestic violence and eradicating breast cancer. Their product portfolio includes skincare, beauty and fashion, supported by a community of independent sales representatives as well as Avon Foundation partners.


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