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10 Beautiful Images Of Spa Planet

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작성자 Greg 작성일24-05-14 21:09 조회9회 댓글0건


Online-Shopping-620x380.jpgPlanet Spa Offers a Variety of Facial and Body Treatments

planet spa gift set Spa offers many different treatments for the body and face. The spa provides a variety of packages that include all these services.

Relax with a calming body butter that nourishes and hydrates your skin. It's light and non-greasy. It absorbs quickly so that your skin feels smooth and silky soft. It has a delicious chocolate scent.


Our facials are a great option to pamper your face and achieve the look you want. From European to facials for acne, spa Planet our treatments are an excellent way to pamper your face and help achieve the look you've always wanted.

The relaxing music, warm water and professional service provide a relaxing experience that will help you escape your daily stresses. We also offer a variety of body treatments including the hotworx Sauna as well as zero gravity Massage to enhance your relaxation. Our services are beneficial to your health, and can help in reducing stress and increasing circulation.

Give your face relaxation with this radiance-boosting face mask that is infused with Dead Sea minerals. Part of the Tranquillity Ritual collection from Planet Spa, this nourishing formula absorbs surface oil to minimise pores and leave your skin looking hydrated and healthy.

Enjoy your senses with this rich body butter that transports you to the tranquil waters of the Mediterranean sea. It's rich in Shea Butter to provide nourishment to your skin and extracts from the chamomile flower to provide an aroma that is soft and soothing. Suitable for all skin types This rich moisturizer has a pleasant scent and is absorbed quickly. It can be used in conjunction with a body scrub for the ultimate indulgence.

Body Treatments

Planet spa planet; Fhoy's website, offers a variety of body treatments. These treatments are designed to exfoliate and nourish skin. You can also indulge in an hydrating massage for your back and a self heating massage wrap or a complete body Sunless tanning treatment.

The products are made using pure shea butter. They aren't subjected to harsh process of heating and hydrogenation which can alter their nutritional value and potency. They are able to penetrate deeply into the skin and leave it glowing. They are also rich in vitamins A, E, and F. They protect the skin against environmental damage.

Invigorate your senses with this energizing body scrub and massage. The refreshing blend of peppermint and rosemary will stimulate your senses. the exfoliation & body moisturizer will improve circulation. A revitalizing scalp and foot massage complete this island-inspired experience.

This is a great product for a pre sunless tan. It contains antioxidants that protect your skin from environmental damage and vitamin A, E, and F that hydrates the skin. It has a pleasant smell and absorbs quickly. After applying this, you can slather on some of the Planet spa Pampering Chocolate Body Whip ($12 for 200ml) It's a light moisturizer that is somewhat oily, but absorbs well. It is a part of the Energise Collection and is a great compliment to this product.


A deep tissue massage can ease tension, relax tight muscles and relax damaged soft tissues. Book 60 or 120 minutes appointment.

Pamper yourself during a wellness massage using the aroma oil of your choice. Different scents can have an uplifting or relaxing effect.

Learn about the ancient holistic massage technique that originated from Bali. This full body massage is a highlight of the extraordinary experience. It not only relaxes the body but also restores harmony to the soul.

This treatment revitalizes your entire body through a combination of massage and reflexology. The feet and hands are the mirrors of the whole body and consequently, have all the reflex points that correspond to every organ gland, muscle or gland. This is an excellent treatment for tired neck, feet and shoulders.

Spa Packages

Planet Spa offers a range of spa packages which cater to different needs for wellness. The Urban Wellness Suite is a complete body, in-room spa package that includes a 50 Central Park Bubble Bath turndown, plush Frette sheets with a thread count of 400, and a nighttime application of La Prairie Skin Caviar Nighttime oil to leave your skin soft and soft.

The Perfectly Purifying bundle includes a body scrub that detoxifies and a body butter to soften your skin. This will restore your skin's natural balance. It's the perfect gift for the self-care obsessed.

The Harmony Ritual with Lingonberry & Pine Extract set soothes the skin while relaxing the mind. This kit includes a rejuvenating Avon Planet Spa bath elixir that is made with natural extracts of pine and lingonberry. It creates a dense, thick foam that is ideal to relax in the tub. It also includes a body moisturizer that is packed with essential oils as well as Shea butter that is rich in nutrients to nourish your skin from head to the toe. Planet Beach offers a range of membership plans that include spa services, UV therapy and spray tanning. The basic monthly plan starts at $54 per month.


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